Let It Snowden

snowOh the government spying is frightful,
But the data is so delightful,
And since he has no place to go,
Let It Snowden, Let It Snowden, Let It Snowden

It doesn’t show signs of stopping,
And I’ve bought some eaves for dropping,
We’ve gotta be smart and lay low,
Let It Snowden, Let It Snowden, Let It Snowden

When he finally reveals it one night,
JFK, 9/11, Benghazi, Desert Storm.
If Russia really holds on to him tight,
Don’t you worry he’ll be nice and warm.

The scandal is slowly dying,
But, my dear, he’s not lying,
Because the truth he loves her so,
Let It Snowden, Let It Snowden, Let It Snowden.

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