March 6-7. What is all this?

We hang out with Malte and the other couchsurfers, but they have other plans, so we part. We then work in Café Royal where Mr. Clinton once came (they still brag about it) to enjoy a decent cup of coffee and a wireless thread to our world.

In the afternoon we bargain a taxidriver down to a few hundred rupees to bring us to some obscure station in the outskirts of Mumbai, where we fend off the mosquitos for an hour before boarding our train to Bangalore that will take 24 hours. A twenty-four hour trainride can be hell, or a very relaxing experience. In order to make it the latter, do the following:
– have enough healthy snacks to constitute a substantial dinner. Buy them beforehand;
– after your meal you take a rest. Make yourself comfortable in your blanket (only provided in A/C class so bring your own if you take the normal sleeper class.
– in the morning read a good book or listen to an audiobook on your mp3-player. Then try to have a conversation with the other travelers.
– do some stretching to prevent annoying backpain in your place of destination.

What is all this? You tell me.

Like I told you, twenty-four hours. So this day is a sacrifice on the alter of Mileage.

In the evening we arrive in Bangalore, we find a hotel that is very comfortable and not too cheap; then we take a series of hot showers and fall asleep in front of the television set that is playing U2 videoclips.

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